Ecovida Foundation
For the conservation of the landscape and restoration of diverse habitats for plant and animal life in Costa Rica and other regions worthy of protection.
The diversity of nature is vital for us humans.
We need air, green space, water and biodiversity.
Although nature is our livelihood, we are overexploiting - depleting the planet's resources and destroying ecosystems.
Costa Rica - "Switzerland of Central America" - occupies only 0.03% of the world's land surface with an area of 51,100 km2, but is home to around 5% of the world's species richness. This makes the country a "biodiversity hotspot". Some species are threatened with extinction and can only be found here.
In our private nature reserve "Refugio Lapa Verde" in Costa Rica we help to protect the rainforest from deforestation and prevent hunting.
Even with a small contribution you can make a big impact.